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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Power Of One Presents How To Work From Home!: Work From Home? How to Get The Best Results With I...

The Power Of One Presents How To Work From Home!: Work From Home? How to Get The Best Results With I...: Maybe our title should read "Get Rid Of Your IBOtoolbox Banner Ads Quickly or Slowly For a More Targeted Response?" By now those o...

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Making the most of you, and your income!

Most recent Profit Clicking update!!!

Making the most of you, and your income!

Some of the top income earners to date with profit clicking
# Referrals
Sales Earnings
Referral Earnings
Total Earnings

Bring yourself to the place where people in the know are coming.

Friday, October 12, 2012

The Political LIE

Upon further observation:
The Political LIE- to all my facebook friends, and enemies!

It is in consideration and choice that I do not watch much TV. The way of the media, hollywood, judicial system, education system, commerce, governments, politics and the such; have reached it's apex of stupidity and foolishness. It seems that the "intellect of man" has proven itself incapable of any morality whatsoever, and lacks true comprehension of realty.

The lie of the world, and the ones running it have given themselves over to the lack of understanding (comprehension), greed, force, manipulation, arrogance, money, and of course PRIDE- the ultimate destroyer-. There is a sense of lost hope in the minds of these individuals who proclaim they are in service to humanity, and at the same time reaching in your pocket stealing every thing you have worked hard for all of your life.

I see and sense despair as these entities are loosing their grip on the control of Good Peoples minds, and lives; as these good people are waking up to the fact that what these "corporate fictions" have created is an illusion . A bitter sweet end for those who lack integrity and have no sense of righteousness whatsoever. The "ego strokers" in the political arena are disconnected from the people by choice, and voluntarily give their souls over to evil and disgusting action, and purpose.

Yet; many are still trapped in the illusion of this "agenda of supreme control".
Example: You are the dog; the "corporate fiction" is the one holding the leash; the leash represents the law... If the dog gets out of line, the corporate fiction tugs the leash, and screams commands for the dog to behave. What has this world come to?

The prideful nature which has gripped the minds of those in power; in politics; is based in the lusts of greed and control. It seems the dark commander of their souls has brought a total disregard to do what is right, and has fulfilled it 's destiny in creating its own illusion inside of these people in power. This is a lost soul possibly never to be recovered again.

Most if not all people who trap themselves into this illusion do it by choice in total disregard of any truth. Most see truth as the enemy; yet in fact it is the "Best Allie" one could ever have. The rebellious nature of man has proven itself over and over again by the VOMIT which it creates constantly and consistently. Possibly a terrifying why to be; confusion loves to blind all mankind, and short circuit his/her ability to function and think correctly... leaving the subject incapable of distinguishing truth from fiction. Thus by doing so; the person is easily controlled and/or led astray.

These mental dysfunctions techniques (brain washing) are used all the time by those in powerful positions - mainly political and commerce-!

It seems the world is at a tipping point now; unsure of which direction they should hold. Yet in truth; we all know what is the right path; because it burns inside us like a fire in our conscience. Fear is one of the greatest tactics used by these powerful individuals, and disbelief can snatch a mans soul right from his own body; forever lost in the dark void and the burning flames of anguish.

There is an AGENDA my friends, and enemies!

The world is living a lie and people are falling over these maggots who have us believing they are doing us a favor. Discernment is a gift of God... don't take for granted the power of the ONE who created you!

~Milk of Magnesia~

Sunday, September 23, 2012

$ Your Favorite Profit Video.$

 Everywhere we look success happens!

Success And The Seven Wonders Presents:

Act today ! $ Your Favorite Profit Video.$

Saturday, September 15, 2012

What people will do for peanuts?


What people will do for peanuts; is the same energy people will do for a more secure financial future.

1. Where is your energy going?
2. Can your energy be focused on more important things?
3. Is your expended energy bringing back to you, more than enough?
4. Does your expended energy pay you, for the effort you put into something? 
5. Is your time important enough to you; to invest it in something completely different?

Why the easy way out is only in investing your time, and effort; into Worthy Ideals...

Join Me Here to Find Out More!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Keeping others from Success!

Keeping others from Success!

Everyone enjoys being appreciated and many people like getting credit for something. It seems to be part of our make-up. Some people do not need as much credit as others do; and many people are reluctant even to take or accept any credit whatsoever.
I have found honesty becomes a better friend than tickling someone's fancy. What is meant by this is; we should give appropriate credit where it is due, and to be honest in our evaluation of it.
If I may go into this a little further; just as "rating a blog" and fixing a little star next to it basically indicates a measure of success, and also indicates what if any information was communicated, and how successful the content was conveyed.
If we give a five star rating to a blog which may lack in content, the transference of a message, or even any pertinent information, we actually may be doing a disservice to the one who wrote the blog. A rating less than five stars is not an indication of a bad blog; in many instances it is an indication that more value can be added to it, and may also indicate the message could use a little adjusting.
In honesty; humans who want to get better at who they are, and what they do; will embrace the lesser star level as a sign that improvement is available.  If we are always giving away our "five star rating" because we don't want to hurt someone’s feelings; this person subconsciously may think no improvement is necessary, and will eventually wonder why success is keeping itself at arm’s length from them.
If we constantly are pulling the wool over someone’s eyes eventually they will not be able to see any more.
If I were to write a blog, and it lacked aspects of being anything less than what was intended I would expect and honest "star rating". If I deserve a 3 star rating on my blog give me a three. Hopefully emotions will not come into play and assumptions will not fester in the mind of the one writing it, if a less than perfect score is given. Honesty helps to develop us; it also brings clarity into areas which we may lack in.
A powerful message can be conveyed in as little as a few paragraphs; it may also be conveyed in as little a few star ratings.  Everyone's honesty will also break the back of mediocrity, and political correctness; which are destructive forces and limits everyone's success. Room for improvement gets us thinking, and acting in a manner which will benefit the ones who embrace it.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Winners Circle to Financial Freedom

More than the ability to contemplate a persons success, the ability to act on it's passion, and desire is even more exciting; giving way to a reality that is available to those whom embrace it. We all seem to look for something that fits who we are as a person, or something that excites our inner man or women. Success eludes many who search for it, and may seem out of reach too most.

Yet in reality; everyone has what it takes to become an online success. It is just most never follow through, and become their own worst enemy. Ouch! that hurt. Is it better to sugar coat reality and live in a lie, or is it better to charge head on in to truth?

I personally have been online many years looking for a niche market; and I have found mine. It is teaching and developing others to become a success inside first; then letting them loose to conquer their own world.

Success is simple:
1. Get rid of  personal pride
2. Be open to everything; this doesn't mean a person needs to agree with everything
3. Define what you want.....
4. Learn how to educate yourself
5. Go do it.........................

I have created my own system of personal and financial success, by using and implementing already existing business structures and leverage.....

*Here are some of my favorite multifunctional and best income earners*

First; I have several online banking systems I use: Here's a couple of them...........

1. Solid Trust Pay  

2. Payza - Formerly Alertpay

~These are my two favorites~

Secondly; I have several income earners I use together; to gain faster income, and exponential growth.
Many of my friends use these same combinations, and get the same results......

*Primary Business- and Businesses

1. *F5M-Millionaires-Club

2. *Just Been Paid

3. *The Power of One Income 4 Life

*All three of these businesses are link in one fashion or another...
^They all give short, medium, and long term results^

Thirdly; Advertising and Marketing
~I also use a few other ones~


Each system or link I have provided you is capable of it's own income potential
I use all of these together to make hundreds, and thousands of dollars; on a  daily, weekly, monthly
and yearly basis..........
# Anyone can mix, and match any or all of these to their own liking >

People who are willing to stick it out and make their success come true are the ones who win.....
As they say; Attitude is everything !!!

Join me today and let me help you make money online; It's really simple!

I hope everyone has a great day!

F5M Millionaires Club

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