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Friday, December 31, 2010

New Years Resolutions!

Now that the new year is upon us, we seem to get excited about the possibilities of this coming 365 days.
Some of the excitement is derived from a new and fresh start on life, a new beginning. 
Many, or should I say most will make the commitment to make the resolution, yet, a select few will actually follow through with this commitment. On the average, only approx. 3% will actually follow through and stick to it.

This un-commitment is actually harmful to the psyche, and gives the person making it a false sense of security. The reason for this is that the resolution was not made to really be accomplished. It was made to quite the EGO more times than not. Those who do decide to follow through and persevere, will build more confidence for themselves and a sense of excitement will develop in the individual. This excitement will actually help drive this individual  to try new and more wonderful things in the future.

Many wonder why they seem to never get a good break in life. I would conclude, the major dysfunction to this feeling, is the fact that they never follow through with their desires or resolutions.
Most give up so easily when a little bit of resistance comes their way. Most make the trivial matters such a BIG DEAL,  and in reality these road blocks are there for a reason. They come into play to see if the resolution that we have made is what we really want. With any success, there is always obstacles!

 It is up to us to overcome these obstacles and press forward, and to make the goal a worthy adventure.
It seems we have raised a culture, of quitters, excuse makers, complainers, and not "Champions". There are those who will press forward and reach their goals. These select few will reap the benefits of their perseverance. They will receive their just reward!

But all is not lost to those who decide to give up and quit. Yes, these people can always start over again as many times as they want, until they reach their desired goal. People who decide to stick to the plan no matter what the cost, are the ones who are the difference makers in the world. These "Difference Makers", so to speak, are not any better than anyone else, they just decide not to be a quitter. Wow, what a transformational concept!

Putting reality issues into perspective can be very invigorating. A sense of accomplishment  is great mental victory, and can actually create a more substantial drive in that individual. Shallow commitments do not work. They may make our EGO feel good temporarily, yet is short lived. With a committed attitude we can be sure the "follow through" will be a victory. All is not lost, unless we give up and quit.

With live in a culture with unprecedented opportunity and abundance. Yes, even in these hard times that many feel we are going through. I have found out through time, effort, experience, and the such, that we get what we expect, and it usually comes through our ACTIONS. If we constantly let ourselves down by quitting and thinking negatively, we get our just reward. If we made commitments and followed through until the end, we would be satisfied, and find joy in the accomplishment.

Only time will tell if we are full of false and misleading promises, with the results we get in life. These realities can be very rewarding, helping us to become AWARE of what we are really doing. Things are only hard "If"
we think they are. We make, or should I say CREATE the life we lead! If we keep moving forward until we reach the goal, things are so much better.

 Most people's resolutions are either MONEY or HEALTH related. Why not do both at the same time with one vehicle to get you there.

 I would hope that all reach their goals, dreams and resolutions in this new year!

                            "2011 is going to be a great year"!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Orrin Woodward Leadership Team :: The Origins of Fiat Money in the West

Orrin Woodward Leadership Team :: The Origins of Fiat Money in the West: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Opportunity in these new times!

It has been said that; "opportunity waits for no man"!. I would have to agree with this statement! The functions of life and opportunity itself continues rather if we decide to join in or not. These new times of endless prosperity, abundance, blessings, and Click Here!">opportunity are just waiting for use to grab onto it and make it our own.

Everyday opportunity comes our way, and people come from all over the world to America, to share in the splendor of this truth. We live in the most opportunistic society on planet earth. New relationships, networking, jobs, business, and the like, is everywhere we look. Yet,are we able to distinguish what is right in front of our very noses?

So the economy is bad, you lost your job, car, home, marriage, or maybe a mixture of all those things. So what do we do now? Do we sit home and complain, cry, blame, play the victim role, or do we stand and ask, seek, and knock? We can do all these things if we choose to! Should we wait and see, or should we seek and find. I feel we should do the later. When we put action into play, we are actually attracting blessing and opportunity into our lives.

When we FIRST give, then we receive. When we FIRST seek, then we find. When we FIRST knock, then it shall be opened. When it comes to living an abundant life, there is structure and order to it, and we must FIRST act to get the results we want. It Sure isn't going to happen sitting in front of the (DREAM STEALER), I mean television, or playing video games all day.

Well, you lost your job. What are you going to do now? Maybe learn a new skill, or growing personally, following your passion. May your working in the Job you really hate in the first place. How are you going to make yourself more valuable in the market place? This question and your life depends on that statement. The education is out there. Go buy some good books from the book store that have already achieved what you want in life, go to a seminar, get some cd's, and duplicate what they do.

Your marriage went sour, so are both of you going to fix it, or just let it evaporate into nothingness. It takes two giving 100% for that relationship to be successful. If it is beyond repair; I say their is more fish in the sea. Do your very best to serve your mate and be kind, and look at the best qualities of their lives, not the bad stuff. We all have bad stuff in us, so lets look and work in the good, to complete, uplift, love and enjoy each other.

Business opportunities are everywhere! Home businesses are on the rise and make up approx 25% of all business in this country. We are the land of opportunity, why do you think all the foreigners love to come to America? They sure aren't afraid to take a little risk and make things happen. I see more successful foreigners in this country than citizens born in this country, Why is that? I know the answer, its because Americans love to blame, complain, make excuses, stay lazy, and feel sorry for themselves. You can disagree with that last statement, yet from my experience, this is what i see.

I was unskilled at a time in my life, yet i made a CHOICE no matter what the cost, or how long it took, to make the life I wanted to live. I refused to live a life of complacency and mediocrity, and you can too! To this Day I drink from the wisdom of those whom have come before me, and it will not stop until the last breath I take. If it won't kill you, JUST DO IT!

My success was made because I decided to learn something new, and to change my life into what I wanted it to be, not what some wanted it to be. Take charge of your life, follow your passion, charge the hill! You are responsible and accountable for your life and success, not someone else.

Find solutions to you problems, overcome the obstacles in your way, do some research, ask some questions, start a networking home business, start a blog and make some money, get your time back, live your DREAM, because only you have one chance to get it right, and "opportunity waits for no man".

Now is the time to act, not when you feel like it, or feel better, or when things should be just right! If you make your life decisions on your feeling, you will miss the ">opportunity right in front of your face. Does that mean you should jump on everything that comes your way? No, just do your homework and make the decision. If you can't make your own decisions, some one else will run your life for you!

80% of success comes from just showing up!
Have a great day!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Fear of Fear

As the foundations of mans existence is being challenged, the rampant fact of fear seems to be prevailing in the minds of people all across this nation and around the world. Fortunately there are many whom refuse to be stricken with this deadly mind altering phenomena. That fact of fear in itself is part of the emotional intelligence quotient, and is experienced by every individual on planet earth.Why is it that so many people are virtually paralyzed by fear, yet many use it as a tool to overcome obstacle's and engage in purpose, to find solutions? The emotions that we all have are in us for our learning experience, yet mass media, improper education, and just plan old ignorance is destroying the very fabric of the champions that people really are meant to become.

In reality fear is just an emotion, it has no real structure. It is a mindset we choose to let control our lives either in the positive or the negative.Fear can be used to keep us from harm or stop us from a life of significance, or it can be used to tear down walls of mediocrity. Fear can make us lazy, unsure, and give us excuse-itis. The fear emotion was originally instilled in us to provide protection, and keep us from personal harm. Yet, media and other outlets of information have used it to suppress and deny the multitudes of the truth, dreams and goals, which they do not want them to achieve. A control issue comes into play with a statement of this very nature.

As we look at the overall picture of the human potential, we can be confident in knowing that power and control in organizations around the world, along with political agendas, are the main force behind this explosive bombardment of fear related subjects. Bad news and an seemingly unending supply of stupidity is being produced in culture after culture. The truth of this matter is relevant to everyday life, because the agendas of the powerful want to control our minds and actions. Their function is to have people to rely on them, and not think for themselves. They want your mind and your money.

You have the ability to disagree with this statement if you choose. But, if you look around with an open mind, and can discern truth from lies, you will see through common sense that this is truth. The reality of controlled minds, means people don't have to think for themselves anymore, and can be lead in a direction of the controlling controller. As you wander around with a sense of disparity, no direction, mental fatigue, an unhealthy lifestyle, have a willingness to see what is going on around you. Accept that reality, and watch people, and how they react out of frustration, worry, anger and the other negative emotions. Fear and negativity cannot bring forth positive life results if reacted to. Response to these feelings can on the other hand produce the fruit necessary to bring forth a desired outcome.

I encourage you to open your mind to the truth, and let your spirit lead you in your purpose in life, not some one else's agenda. The fact that fear is a real emotion, and sometimes is experienced through the fight or flight response, can be a powerful adversary if used in context. Equipping us to overcome and find answers to proverbial menacing situations. The champions of thought, in using fear as a motivator is exciting to the point of disbelief to those that let it control any action, or have no idea how to overcome it.

Everyone who has ever accomplished anything of greatness, has had to deal with some source of fear. Yet, they decided to act in-spite of it, and became victorious in the quest of life. We all have that same opportunity to act in-spite of, to overcome any challenge that may come our way, and to put fear in its place. You will find that most things we fear never really come to fruition, and never happen. It is a false reality that we made up in our mind.

Set yourself up for victory and success, act in-spite of fear! What do you really have to lose?

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