New Health Drink Delivers Lasting Energy and Helps You Concentrate at Work

The company, FRS, initially set out to create a line of drinks and chews for athletes to boost energy and performance, as well as support immune system.
FRS stands for Free Radical Scavenger. Free radicals are unstable molecules that move freely through the body and bond with other molecules in healthy cells, damaging chromosomes, enzymes, cell membranes and mitochondria through oxidization (the same process that makes iron rust).
The most damaging free radicals are produced within the cell's mitochondria. Believe it or not, exercise can actually speed up this process by as much as 200%. These added free radicals likely can't be quelled by our inherent antioxidant defenses, especially with today's sub-par diets. Instead they damage our cell systems resulting in decreased energy levels, accelerated aging and decreased mental performance.
That's where FRS comes in. FRS combines some of the most powerful antioxidants found in nature with other key vitamins and metabolic enhancers. The most important ingredient is Quercetin, a powerful antioxidant found in the skins of grapes, apples and vegetables that has known anti-inflammatory effects. FRS's patented formula of Quercetin and green tea extracts promote thermogenesis, which increases the metabolic rate and helps the body burn excess carbohydrates and fat.
When the company's product was tested in a double-blind clinical study conducted by Pepperdine University, athletes who received FRS performed significantly better in timed trials than those receiving a placebo. In fact, the results were so significant that champion cyclist Lance Armstrong took note and actually joined the company's board of directors and today uses the product regularly as part of his daily nutritional regimen.
But FRS is not just for athletes. It works just as well for everyday people looking for a way to sustainably boost their energy levels without the caffeine and crash and to supplement their diets with a supercharged health formula.
Just recently, researchers conducted another clinical study with even more interesting results. FRS and a non-Quercetin placebo were consumed daily by two groups of workers at a university over a 3-week period. At the end of the study, the group that received the FRS with Quercetin reported a significant improvement in their level of work performance and their ability to concentrate. They also reported reduced fatigue and reduced feelings of frustration compared to the placebo group.
A low-calorie energy drink that doesn't rely on caffeine, doesn't produce a "crash", and may actually improve mental performance? Sounds almost too good to be true.
The company is so confident their products work, that for just the cost of shipping, they're offering new customers a free sample to try so that you can see the results for yourself.
If you're curious about what this healthy energy feels like, you dont want to miss out on this special free introductory offer - click here
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