Lest we not forget! A day which is more honorable than most.....
As veterans day is upon us, you will notice many wearing their honors, medals, ribbons, and other military uniform. These men and women of our armed services hold me to a deep respect for them, and my fellow man. As a Paratrooper in the Army I witnessed first hand the "selfless service" of these unique individuals.
Unlike most; these are the champions of freedom for humanity. A necessity in a world gone bad.
No one really like's war, yet, there is a need for protection from evil. This is not to be taken lightly!
War is a form of rebellion against the principle of Good,Truth,Love and all virtues of the Most High.
These proud members of our Armed Forces have your freedom on their minds constantly; along with their families and friends. We hear of the heroic sacrifices almost daily; and sometimes they are put on the 2nd and 3rd page of the newspaper and networks muffled by trivial nonsense and menial subject. Do we really know what they sacrifice for us, and do we even really care?
These are well disciplined individuals like no other. They are well versed in leadership, relationship building, construction, motivation, winning, protection, offensive maneuvering, defense, planning, transportation, law, social development, self discipline, and the such.
These Human Beings even give us the freedom to be whatever we choose to be here in America, even if it's not virtuous. Let us not complain of our unfortunate circumstance, yet, let us appreciate what we do have, and thank all of those we see in uniform. These are courageous among men, these are unrivaled in task, adventure, pain, misery, fear, loss, and all the other things that war is.
How do we show this appreciation; possibly buy them a cup of coffee, perhaps just listen to them, give them a hug, tell them you love them, help their families, shake their hand, look them in the eye and say: thank you for your service! Be genuine, be thankful, show you really care for them. We should always support, honor, and respect these individuals, as many times they have a job to do, and have no choice.
Many of these people come from Military Service into the market place, and become business owners, top positional leaders in industry, the hold quality positions in their jobs. Not many people can compete with this person in the market place; due to their awareness of life and it's significance.These people view the World totally different than 98% of others in the world; and have an extreme appreciation of the simple things in life.
They have sacrificed everything, they have given up all, and still would rather serve you than the other way around. Let us do our duty, as we are all brothers and sisters of mankind, and show them the respect they deserve. Let's add value to them: because they first added value to us.
Bless all those who served!, Harold Lamma
As veterans day is upon us, you will notice many wearing their honors, medals, ribbons, and other military uniform. These men and women of our armed services hold me to a deep respect for them, and my fellow man. As a Paratrooper in the Army I witnessed first hand the "selfless service" of these unique individuals.
Unlike most; these are the champions of freedom for humanity. A necessity in a world gone bad.
No one really like's war, yet, there is a need for protection from evil. This is not to be taken lightly!
War is a form of rebellion against the principle of Good,Truth,Love and all virtues of the Most High.

These are well disciplined individuals like no other. They are well versed in leadership, relationship building, construction, motivation, winning, protection, offensive maneuvering, defense, planning, transportation, law, social development, self discipline, and the such.
These Human Beings even give us the freedom to be whatever we choose to be here in America, even if it's not virtuous. Let us not complain of our unfortunate circumstance, yet, let us appreciate what we do have, and thank all of those we see in uniform. These are courageous among men, these are unrivaled in task, adventure, pain, misery, fear, loss, and all the other things that war is.
How do we show this appreciation; possibly buy them a cup of coffee, perhaps just listen to them, give them a hug, tell them you love them, help their families, shake their hand, look them in the eye and say: thank you for your service! Be genuine, be thankful, show you really care for them. We should always support, honor, and respect these individuals, as many times they have a job to do, and have no choice.
Many of these people come from Military Service into the market place, and become business owners, top positional leaders in industry, the hold quality positions in their jobs. Not many people can compete with this person in the market place; due to their awareness of life and it's significance.These people view the World totally different than 98% of others in the world; and have an extreme appreciation of the simple things in life.
They have sacrificed everything, they have given up all, and still would rather serve you than the other way around. Let us do our duty, as we are all brothers and sisters of mankind, and show them the respect they deserve. Let's add value to them: because they first added value to us.
Bless all those who served!, Harold Lamma
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